Selection of participants is solely at the discretion of Artistic Director, Jennifer Cooper. We are limiting the number to eight (8) total participants to ensure that everyone receives individual attention from clinicians and staff, enjoys a safe and bonding experience, and has equal featured time on the final Showcase performance.
Those interested in registering must be at least 15 years of age, possess advanced levels of musicianship, vocal studies, performance history, and have a serious interest in pursuing a career in the performing arts.
Registration does NOT guarantee a spot in the Symposium. All registrants must be approved by Jennifer Cooper. In some cases, an audition may be required.
Tuition may be paid via the "Buy Now" button below, to Go-DIVA! Productions, Inc.
Tuition may also be paid by check, made out to “Go-DIVA! Productions, Inc.” Mail to Go-DIVA! Productions, Inc. at P.O. Box 751, Solomons, MD 20688.
Tuition has been carefully calculated to cover the following costs: clinician fees; pianist fees; studio/space rentals for rehearsals, master classes, performance, etc.; tickets (for participants) for new Broadway production of “Be More Chill”; staff administration hours and preparation duties; etc.
Tuition details are as follows:
Early Bird Discounted Tuition: $775 (if paid in full by MARCH 31)
Regular Price Tuition: $875 (2 payments - $450 by March 31 + $425 by April 25)
Balcony seats will have been reserved (for participants and staff) for the Sunday, June 16th, 3pm matinee performance of “BE MORE CHILL”. Once full purchase is confirmed, parents/guardians who wish to attend may purchase tickets separately.
Also upon receipt of payments/deposits, participants and parents/guardians will receive confirmation of payment, reminders of final balance due (if required), Symposium contracts, waivers, and other necessary documents.
Please use the "Buy Now" button provided below to complete tuition payment, ONLY if the participant has been approved by the Artistic Director.

All transportation to/from/within New York City is the sole responsibility of participants and/or their parents/guardians. We recommend Amtrak, NYC Subway, Taxi, Uber, Lyft, etc.
All accommodations and meals are the sole responsibility of participants and/or their parents/guardians.(GDPinc will, however, provide complimentary meals for participants at the Welcome Breakfast on June 16.)
Adult supervision for minors must be arranged or provided by parents/guardians. A clear and detailed itinerary will be provided far in advance of the Symposium (many details are already available on the website).
Symposium staff members will be responsible for participants during all clinical sessions and Symposium-based group activities. It is important for participants and parents (of minors) to discuss supervision plans and arrangements during scheduled “free time”, “transit time”, meals, etc., as the staff members may not always be present for these in-between periods. In most cases, parents/guardians will not be able to attend clinic sessions due to limited space in the studios and venues. The staff will keep you posted on this.
A closed Facebook group page has been created for this adventure. Once participants are approved and registered, they and their parents/guardians may request to “join”.
This closed group page will be a communication portal for participants, parents, and staff so that all may remain in touch with regard to adjustments in schedule, meet-ups for meals, details and assistance with daily itinerary logistics. Group members may also share photos and positive experiences as the Symposium unfolds!
Each participant is invited to select and submit two contrasting songs as the focus of your Symposium experience and for intended performance on the final Showcase. One song must be a Musical Theatre genre selection. The other may be from Musical Theatre or Classical genre, OR may be a duet with another participant. In the case of a duet selection, both duet partners must agree to the selection and are responsible for preparing their individual parts and rehearsing together prior to June.
Participants and Staff will work together in the months preceding the Symposium to prepare the selections technically and artistically. A deadline will be given for final selection choices and PDFs will be sent to the NY-pianist for preparation prior to participants’ NYC arrival.
The final Showcase will take place on Wednesday, June 19, 2019 at 6:00pm at Marc A. Scorca Hall at The National Opera Center (Opera America) in New York City.
Performance will be open to the public and will invite attendees to “Pay-What-You-Can” onsite. However, reservations will be required, as there is limited seating space in the Hall. Visit the Showcase page to Reserve yours seats!